H3M Environmental Key Services
- Environmental field assessment
- Environmental reporting
Project Overview
H3M was commissioned to complete several Schedule B Assessment in the Parkland and Tower Lakes area. H3M Environmental has developed a Schedule B assessment and reporting process that clearly and concisely addresses all components of the requirements outlined within the current Delegation Agreement between the BC OGC and the ALC. H3M takes a more liberal approach to completing Schedule B Assessments by working with the client to mitigate potential constraints and deficiencies increasing the number of projects that meet the requirements set out in the Delegation Agreement.
Project Goals
Collect environmental information required to meet regulatory requirements set out in the Delegation Agreement and complete reporting requirements efficiently to our established timeline. H3M takes a pragmatic approach to our environmental assessments. We work to remain in continuous communication with clients and regulator to facilitate familiarity with site conditions and create unique solutions to problems.
Roles and Responsibilities
H3M Environmental was the environmental contractor and was responsible for collecting all relevant post-disturbance environmental information in accordance with the applicable provincial environmental requirements for Schedule B reporting.
Project Outcome
H3M completed 30 km of Schedule B Assessments within the Parkland and Tower Lake fields in northeastern BC in 2018. H3M determined that 90% of the pipelines met the requirements of the Delegation Agreement and obtained sign off from the BC OGC. H3M is currently working closely with our client to formulate a reclamation plan to bring the final remaining pipeline from the 2018 Schedule B season to meet regulatory compliance. H3M was able to work within the client’s time and budget constraints and is currently working on the 2019 Schedule B season.